Do you want a chocolate blog?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Well, we have some people following our blog now! i am happy. (this is qwe1100)

And did you see? kittycloud has joined us! i am even more happy. this is becoming good. yay, yay.

i am skipping all info to get right into the good stuff. And BTW, do the poll at the top of the page.

Are you all into music now? well, i will have an assignment every day from now on. do it after you read this.

Today, go on you tube and find songs by DJ Mangoo. Find the song 'Melody' . Listen to it. tomorrow there will be a new one.

You know, people could suggest songs for us to listen to, too

that said, it is time for the award to a site to doing their best to make their site the best. this week it goes to webkinz, and you all probably at least know what that is.

Anyway, do the poll and i'll get back later. ciao!

- qwe1100

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