Do you want a chocolate blog?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i'm back!

yup, its me, kittycloud. ^ . ^

audience: sighs

me: hey! that's so rude! and i was going to tell you about my newest craze!

audience: that's what you always do.

me: ugh, whatever. since when was this a dialogue drama anyway. (pouts)

wow! that was surreal! anyway, back to the point, my latest craze is vocaloids, as seen in the picture above.

vocaloid is apparently a voice sythysizer program that's from japan.

i don't know much about the actual program--

(audience sighs again, me: shut up!)

--but the characters are all over the place and they have a bunch of youtube videos and songs that are really good. ^ v ^

they don't have an anime but there's a random seeming manga about them called 'hatsune mix'.

my favorite characters are the twins cause they're cute and they have good voices. ^.^

anyway, that's it from me, i gust wanted to write about this randomly, that's what this blog is for anyway, isn't it?

more from me later!

audience: you mean you're coming back?

me: can someone please tell me how to get rid of them?

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