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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dragon Cave

This is now just qwe1100.

I am thoroughly addicted to Dragon Cave. Those of you who are, you probably know how I feel. It's just so fun! In case you want to see my draggies, the user is qwe1100. I'm so imaginative. But yeah. I don't have very many, I really want a vampire Dragon.
For those of you people who have no idea what I am talking about, I am very sorry, and I will be done ranting in a second.

Any way, I REALLY want a Sunsong Dragon. I already got a Nebula, and the spotted one, whatever that was called, and I got a Skywing, which I have been hankering after, BUT I REALLY WANT A SUNSONG!!!!! grrr. Sometimes the cave is so unfair. And right now, I am hatchling locked, so no more eggs for me. (I do have a bad habit of naming my hatchies right after they hatch) ah well. C'est la vie. I am done now.

1 comment:

  1. you has one now :)
    I am also addicted to DC. My username is -platinum-draco-. Yo.
