Do you want a chocolate blog?

Monday, April 12, 2010

hi hi!!

i'm here again!!

yes, its kittycloud. ^ - ^

things are going well with our
blog so were happy! *smiles*

notice to anyone who wants free clothes!

there is a drop & swap in lindenburge this saturday!

(wherever that is)

in other news, chocolate chipcookies are also

(qwe1100 gives me alot! <3)

heres the almost important fact of the day:

you can't be hydrated by anything but water.
(i'll explain if people ask about this.)

naruto is still number one.

who exactly reads that series!!!

well heres a request from me today:

if you don't own the series, read gakuen alice online!
its really good, i'm not kidding!!

we must bring gakuen alice to the top again!

(sorry, i'm on a rampage again, but please help!)

thats all for today!

ja ne!


(oh, and excuse the spelling plus grammar mistakes, i know they're there.)


  1. Please tell me more about hydrating with water.

  2. oh!
    well you see,
    anything you can' take a shower with and get clean will cause dehydration. of course the water in juice and other things will hydrate you, but the fruit and other parts of it will dehydrate you!
    be safe, drink water!

  3. I love that picture! can i copy it and paste it on my blog?!
