Do you want a chocolate blog?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Blog Entry of Deep Fried Potatoes-

We are actually three people... here, we'll introduce ourselves- qwe1100. Punkkitty, and kittycloud. We are here to blog about Random Stuff, such as J-pop music, Japan in general, and of course, Deep fried potatoes. How we are going to do this... well, at the top of every blog, there will be the name of whoever is writing- qwe1100, punkkitty, or kittycloud. Also, sometimes, we will have the weekly (or perhaps daily) *drumroll please* THE RANDOM STUPID FACT! They will all be true, we are stating now.

FIRST RANDOM STUPID FACT- Hitler's blood relatives live in NYC.

And we'll also have the most popular anime and manga (japanese cartoons and comics) according to the leading manga site (mangafox) and also according to us.
We'll also include Japanese fashion ideas and thoughts, and some other stuff we feel is important to us. Like Cats. Anyway, this is sure taking a lot of room. We'll talk later.

-qwe1100, and punkkitty

1 comment:

  1. i <3 the random stupid facts!
    another stupid fact:
    i love pointless things.
    but don't we all.
    ^ - ^
