Do you want a chocolate blog?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i'm back!

yup, its me, kittycloud. ^ . ^

audience: sighs

me: hey! that's so rude! and i was going to tell you about my newest craze!

audience: that's what you always do.

me: ugh, whatever. since when was this a dialogue drama anyway. (pouts)

wow! that was surreal! anyway, back to the point, my latest craze is vocaloids, as seen in the picture above.

vocaloid is apparently a voice sythysizer program that's from japan.

i don't know much about the actual program--

(audience sighs again, me: shut up!)

--but the characters are all over the place and they have a bunch of youtube videos and songs that are really good. ^ v ^

they don't have an anime but there's a random seeming manga about them called 'hatsune mix'.

my favorite characters are the twins cause they're cute and they have good voices. ^.^

anyway, that's it from me, i gust wanted to write about this randomly, that's what this blog is for anyway, isn't it?

more from me later!

audience: you mean you're coming back?

me: can someone please tell me how to get rid of them?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Adding pictures is so fun I will add lots more and update THE PICTURE OF THE DAY very often.

I am Punkitty and I have THE PICTURE OF THE DAY from "shugo chara" this is a picture of Yaya.

Friday, April 23, 2010

So again this is punkitty bringing you "THE MANGA OF THE WEEK" from mangafox and us, the manga of the week is (and for once mangafox us both have the same choise) GAKUEN ALICE! And in other news the Most Popular Manga is still NARUTO how boring.
Hi there this is Punkitty and I have brought you the random stupid fact
so here you are -Fine-grained volcanic ash can be found as an ingredient in some toothpastes.Gross right oh well just dont buy those toothpastes.

Monday, April 12, 2010

hi hi!!

i'm here again!!

yes, its kittycloud. ^ - ^

things are going well with our
blog so were happy! *smiles*

notice to anyone who wants free clothes!

there is a drop & swap in lindenburge this saturday!

(wherever that is)

in other news, chocolate chipcookies are also

(qwe1100 gives me alot! <3)

heres the almost important fact of the day:

you can't be hydrated by anything but water.
(i'll explain if people ask about this.)

naruto is still number one.

who exactly reads that series!!!

well heres a request from me today:

if you don't own the series, read gakuen alice online!
its really good, i'm not kidding!!

we must bring gakuen alice to the top again!

(sorry, i'm on a rampage again, but please help!)

thats all for today!

ja ne!


(oh, and excuse the spelling plus grammar mistakes, i know they're there.)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Well, we have some people following our blog now! i am happy. (this is qwe1100)

And did you see? kittycloud has joined us! i am even more happy. this is becoming good. yay, yay.

i am skipping all info to get right into the good stuff. And BTW, do the poll at the top of the page.

Are you all into music now? well, i will have an assignment every day from now on. do it after you read this.

Today, go on you tube and find songs by DJ Mangoo. Find the song 'Melody' . Listen to it. tomorrow there will be a new one.

You know, people could suggest songs for us to listen to, too

that said, it is time for the award to a site to doing their best to make their site the best. this week it goes to webkinz, and you all probably at least know what that is.

Anyway, do the poll and i'll get back later. ciao!

- qwe1100

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

guess what?
yes! it is i! the low profile kittycloud!!
no, really, i just didn't know the password...
eh heh...
i know everything about everything... about manga.
currently gakuen alice has gone way down on the charts.
i disapprove! it should have gone way up.
naruto makes me mad. grr...
guess what?
i have recently made a new wonderful discovery!!
fan fiction is very entertaining.
on the downside all my anime has disappeared.
for those looking for series (anime) i have
a long list of suggestions. here's a fraction:
chu bra
fairy tail
hmm...i have a bad memory...
well, that being said,
sushi is delicious!
good bye!

Monday, April 5, 2010

All right here is qwe1100. Reporting back for duty, however small. This post, I will not go randomly spouting dragon cave nonsense. I will be virtuous and be nice to the people who don't know what I am talking about. All right. Here is today's business.

I will be skipping the Random Stupid Fact. I need to find some more.

The top manga according to mangafox- Naruto

Top according to us- Still Gakuen Alice.

Music- Lady GaGa is up top on the list of 'awesome' song writer people. With her hit song- 'Just Dance'

Did you listen to Dragon of the Mist? If not, then go do it. Now!

Well, I am here to commend a site for doing their best to make their site the best. This day, it goes to FooPets. Wonderful graphics, amazing color, and best of all, it animals! What could be better? Check it out. You don't have to make an account to see all the cutie animals. I'll sign out now. Bye!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dragon Cave. You don't have to look.

this is qwe1100

Dragon Cave got the coolest egg hunt for Easter!! funfunfunfunfun! Wow! They really did their best for this. If you need more info-I am now here.

There are 38 eggs to collect. Just go randomly around to find them.

If you accidentally miss one by clicking on a new link, don't worry. It'll show up wherever you went.

No one can grab them before you. Luckily, this is not like the regular cave. If it shows up, it is yours.

There actually might be a prize! On the forum, people were speculating that there may be an easter dragon! *drools*

I am not very good at collecting the eggs. But, whenever I go and look at my eggs, there are more! Someone has logged onto my account and is catching me eggs! Creepy!
Perhaps. But it may be an awesome glitch! I love DC for its fun glitches! But once, it killed one of my real dragon eggs! TERRIBLE!!! I hate those glitches!

Alright! I need chocolate! Bye!

Random Stuff

Well, here we are again. Kittycloud may not be on that much. We are qwe1100 and PunkKitty here. Good morning!

Here is our Random Stupid Fact of the day.
Studies show that painting your room blue will make you more creative.

The top manga according to mangafox- Naruto

Top manga according to us- Gakuen Alice

Top anime according to us- Hanmaru Kindergarten

All right. Formalities out of the way, we can begin. Has anyone heard of J-pop? If you have not, you need to find and listen to some. Has anyone heard of Sean Patrick Hannifin? If not, listen to Dragon of the Mist on YouTube. He is a musical genius. Also in the very good music according to us is Mizuki Nana, with most of her music in general.

I just saw Where The Wild Things Are. An excellent movie. I really like the artsy movies that are a little creepy. My (qwe1100) favorite movie in the world is Mirror Mask.

Listen to that music up there, and check in later today for the next installment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dragon Cave

This is now just qwe1100.

I am thoroughly addicted to Dragon Cave. Those of you who are, you probably know how I feel. It's just so fun! In case you want to see my draggies, the user is qwe1100. I'm so imaginative. But yeah. I don't have very many, I really want a vampire Dragon.
For those of you people who have no idea what I am talking about, I am very sorry, and I will be done ranting in a second.

Any way, I REALLY want a Sunsong Dragon. I already got a Nebula, and the spotted one, whatever that was called, and I got a Skywing, which I have been hankering after, BUT I REALLY WANT A SUNSONG!!!!! grrr. Sometimes the cave is so unfair. And right now, I am hatchling locked, so no more eggs for me. (I do have a bad habit of naming my hatchies right after they hatch) ah well. C'est la vie. I am done now.
First Blog Entry of Deep Fried Potatoes-

We are actually three people... here, we'll introduce ourselves- qwe1100. Punkkitty, and kittycloud. We are here to blog about Random Stuff, such as J-pop music, Japan in general, and of course, Deep fried potatoes. How we are going to do this... well, at the top of every blog, there will be the name of whoever is writing- qwe1100, punkkitty, or kittycloud. Also, sometimes, we will have the weekly (or perhaps daily) *drumroll please* THE RANDOM STUPID FACT! They will all be true, we are stating now.

FIRST RANDOM STUPID FACT- Hitler's blood relatives live in NYC.

And we'll also have the most popular anime and manga (japanese cartoons and comics) according to the leading manga site (mangafox) and also according to us.
We'll also include Japanese fashion ideas and thoughts, and some other stuff we feel is important to us. Like Cats. Anyway, this is sure taking a lot of room. We'll talk later.

-qwe1100, and punkkitty