Do you want a chocolate blog?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i'm back!

yup, its me, kittycloud. ^ . ^

audience: sighs

me: hey! that's so rude! and i was going to tell you about my newest craze!

audience: that's what you always do.

me: ugh, whatever. since when was this a dialogue drama anyway. (pouts)

wow! that was surreal! anyway, back to the point, my latest craze is vocaloids, as seen in the picture above.

vocaloid is apparently a voice sythysizer program that's from japan.

i don't know much about the actual program--

(audience sighs again, me: shut up!)

--but the characters are all over the place and they have a bunch of youtube videos and songs that are really good. ^ v ^

they don't have an anime but there's a random seeming manga about them called 'hatsune mix'.

my favorite characters are the twins cause they're cute and they have good voices. ^.^

anyway, that's it from me, i gust wanted to write about this randomly, that's what this blog is for anyway, isn't it?

more from me later!

audience: you mean you're coming back?

me: can someone please tell me how to get rid of them?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Adding pictures is so fun I will add lots more and update THE PICTURE OF THE DAY very often.

I am Punkitty and I have THE PICTURE OF THE DAY from "shugo chara" this is a picture of Yaya.

Friday, April 23, 2010

So again this is punkitty bringing you "THE MANGA OF THE WEEK" from mangafox and us, the manga of the week is (and for once mangafox us both have the same choise) GAKUEN ALICE! And in other news the Most Popular Manga is still NARUTO how boring.
Hi there this is Punkitty and I have brought you the random stupid fact
so here you are -Fine-grained volcanic ash can be found as an ingredient in some toothpastes.Gross right oh well just dont buy those toothpastes.

Monday, April 12, 2010

hi hi!!

i'm here again!!

yes, its kittycloud. ^ - ^

things are going well with our
blog so were happy! *smiles*

notice to anyone who wants free clothes!

there is a drop & swap in lindenburge this saturday!

(wherever that is)

in other news, chocolate chipcookies are also

(qwe1100 gives me alot! <3)

heres the almost important fact of the day:

you can't be hydrated by anything but water.
(i'll explain if people ask about this.)

naruto is still number one.

who exactly reads that series!!!

well heres a request from me today:

if you don't own the series, read gakuen alice online!
its really good, i'm not kidding!!

we must bring gakuen alice to the top again!

(sorry, i'm on a rampage again, but please help!)

thats all for today!

ja ne!


(oh, and excuse the spelling plus grammar mistakes, i know they're there.)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Well, we have some people following our blog now! i am happy. (this is qwe1100)

And did you see? kittycloud has joined us! i am even more happy. this is becoming good. yay, yay.

i am skipping all info to get right into the good stuff. And BTW, do the poll at the top of the page.

Are you all into music now? well, i will have an assignment every day from now on. do it after you read this.

Today, go on you tube and find songs by DJ Mangoo. Find the song 'Melody' . Listen to it. tomorrow there will be a new one.

You know, people could suggest songs for us to listen to, too

that said, it is time for the award to a site to doing their best to make their site the best. this week it goes to webkinz, and you all probably at least know what that is.

Anyway, do the poll and i'll get back later. ciao!

- qwe1100